4 Different Ways to Achieve Turkish Citizenship for Foreign Nationals

As a bridge from East to West, Turkey has been the route of migration throughout the history. Its increasing economic, cultural and political power makes Turkey an ideal destination for investment for many immigrants.
Turkey opens its doors to people from all around the world to obtain Turkish citizenship in return of investment and also many other options. Today, more than 4.5 million foreigners from various countries have been living in Turkey in welfare under international protection.
As reported in the Investment Migration Market Eligibility Index, Turkey is the 5th most eligible investment migration market. This country has also benefited from its popular Citizenship by Investment Program for a long time. Turkey has earned $17 million a day from this program during the pandemic, stated by Turkey’s Interior Ministry.
About 35,000 individuals have obtained Turkish Citizenship under CIP during the last two years since the government reduced its minimum investment requirement to US$250,000.
Why has Turkey achieved CBI success?
There are many reasons explained the success of Turkey Citizenship by Investment Program in spite of forbidden visa-free travel to Schengen area for the Turkish citizens.
Turkey citizenship by Investment Program brings you a lot of benefits such as:
- Short processing time of 4 – 6 months,
- Visa free travel to more than 110 countries including Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea,
- Application is allowed to add spouse and children below 18 (Children above 18 must be medically dependent),
- Ease of access to Iran,
- The possibility of joining the EU,
- The opportunity to study in free schools and public universities,
- No requirements to prove source of income, management experience or assets,
- The possibility to open an account in a Turkish or International bank in Turkey,
- Buying house or car through installment payment with low interest rate.
Considering these advantages and other benefits, Turkey introduces itself among the 10 most eligible RCBI market in the world. In comparison to other CBI programs, running a business and paying taxes as well as finding qualified employees are not very challenging in Turkey.
Principal ways to acquire Turkish citizenship
Meet the requirements identified by Turkish Citizenship Law, you can acquire Turkish Citizenship. Interestingly, not only the Turkish passport is granted to Turkish citizens, but also the foreigners are eligible for Turkey citizenship. How to become a Turkish citizen?
1- Turkish citizenship based on kinship at birth
Since there is no right to acquire citizenship based on birth place in Turkey’s Law, being born in Turkey doesn’t give you any right of citizenship. It means that Turkish citizenship is based on kinship. In other words, only a person with Turkish-citizen parents can be a Turkish citizen.
2- Marriage to a Turkish citizen
If you got married to a Turkish citizen for 3 years and this marriage is sustaining, you are eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship. In the case of dying your spouse after application, the requirement of unity of family is not met any more.
3- Residency in Turkey as a resident or a stateless person
If you reside in Turkey as a resident or with a stateless person identity document for 5 years without interruption. Note that the continuous residence is not the only requirement and the applicant must meet certain additional criteria.
4- Investment in Turkey
By choosing from a variety of investment options, foreigners can obtain the passport of the region’s thriving economy. To achieve this goal, here are the conditions under which the investors can get Turkey citizenship through investment:
- Foreigners who purchase a real estate worth minimum $250,000 and keep it for three years,
- Foreigners who make an investment of a fixed capital of minimum $500,000 in shares in Turkish government bonds or venture capital/ funds,
- Foreigners who deposit minimum $500,000 or an equivalent of the same to Turkish Lira in a bank confirmed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency kept in the account for three years,
- Foreigners who establish a business in Turkey and create jobs for at least 50 people confirmed by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services.
You are not supposed to declare your wealth to the Turkish authorities in the case of making investment. The Turkish tax authorities are not interested to know about your financial status or existing assets.
What kinds of properties can one buy to get Turkish citizenship?
The qualifications of the property you buy is not important in the purchasing process as you are free to choose among various houses, workplaces, lands, and so on.
It is only needed to establish the condominium or floor easement of the real estate in the notary public.
For more information, please contact one of our advisors in UAE, Denmark or Canada, and we will do our utmost to guide you through your Investment and Turkey Citizenship process.
Do not hesitate to relay your comments below, if you have any experiences or any questions relating to the process of achieving Turkey’s Citizenship, buying a Property and investment opportunities in turkey.
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