Greece Citizenship by Investment Close to Happen!

Following the last week news, two other main English-language newspapers in Greece published stories about government’s plans to launch a citizenship by investment program.
So far, the reports show that Greek CIP, considering the investment requirements, would compete with Cyprus CIP:
- Investment in real estate – EUR 2 million
- Acquisition of a home in Greece – EUR 500,000
- The payment of annual “maintenance costs” – EUR 50,000
The investors who apply to obtain citizenship in Greece, same as the Cypriot CIP, would need to obtain a permanent residence permit first. There is another similarity to Cyprus program, and that is the limit of applications which is 200 in Greek and 700 in Cypriot program.
According to one of the Greek newspapers, the government is also considering the possibility of proposing incentives to individuals and legal entities in order to choose Greece as the place where their income will be taxed.
There has been no official announcement yet neither from the Ministry of Migration Policy nor from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirming the reports.
If you wish to acquire more information in this regard, we would respectfully suggest you to contact one of our advisors in UAE, Denmark or Canada, and we will do our outmost to guide you through your Investment and Greece Residency or Citizenship Program.
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